About Data Paper
What is a data paper?
A data paper is a form of academic paper published in relevant data journals through peer review.
Unlike traditional research papers, data papers do not present hypotheses and conclusions.
Instead, they primarily describe relevant information about the dataset(s) the author has made publicly available.
This includes details on how the data was generated and collected, data types, species covered, where is the location of the data resources, and background information about the dataset (metadata).
Through the licensing of data provided by the author, data papers serve as a basis for citing data in future academic papers.
The benefits and purposes of publishing data papers include:
- Providing citable journal publications (e.g., with a DOI) to bring scholarly credit to the data publishers
- Structured, human-readable data descriptions
- Increasing the visibility, usability, and credibility of the data resources you publish
- More effectively tracking the usage and citation of the data you publish
Data Paper Publication Process
In general, your dataset will determine the thematic-focused data journals that are suitable for submission.
您也可以選擇主題範圍較廣泛且與生物多樣性領域相關的資料期刊「Biodiversity Data Journal」,
或則不限領域限制的「Data in Brief」或「Scientific Data」等期刊(更多期刊資訊請參閱資料期刊)。
此頁將特別介紹arpha Writing Tool的資料論文撰寫與發表工具。
arpha Writing Tool是由Pensoft出版社開發的文章發表工具,幫助簡化了發表資料論文的流程。
Once you upload your data through TaiBIF's data publishing tool IPT and publish it, you can download the automatically generated RTF/EML files (containing GBIF dataset metadata information) and upload them to the tool.
整個合作撰寫、建議、修改、提交、同儕審查以及發布的動作都能在此線上工具中完成。arpha Writing Tool目前支持直接將資料論文提交至Biodiversity Data Journal。
The following PDF tutorial will guide you step by step on how to use this tool to publish data articles.
若您在使用 Safari 瀏覽器時無法顯示內嵌的 PDF,請嘗試重新整理頁面。如仍無法顯示,您可以點擊下方的 PDF 講義下載圖示,直接查看 PDF 檔案。
Data Journals
TaiBIF 可提供的合作項目
- 開放資料流程協助或諮詢服務(包含協助清理及開放資料)
- 為論文草稿提供撰寫建議
- 建議適合投稿的資料期刊
- 資助論文發表費(需符合補助條件)
- 須將資料集上傳至TaiBIF 和 GBIF,上傳流程請參照開放資料流程
- 須將有協助開放資料的TaiBIF成員或TaiBIF資料清理協作者列為共同作者
- 須於致謝(Acknowledgement)中提及 Taiwan Biodiversity Information Facility, TaiBIF及經費提供單位(國科會)
- 資料可填補台灣生物多樣性資料空缺者
- 資料符合 GBIF New Data Model 案例
- 以非營利組織及國內經費有限之學術研究單位優先補助對象