Animalia 動物界




# 資料集 紀錄筆數
1 EOD – eBird Observation Dataset 12,769,002
2 Taiwan Wild Bird Federation Bird Records Database 1,752,957
3 Acoustic detections of birds using the SILIC in Yushan National Park, Taiwan 802,670
4 The Taiwan Breeding Bird Survey Data 758,566
5 iNaturalist Research-grade Observations 384,163
6 臺灣兩棲類資源調查網 (Taiwan Amphibians Database) 371,324
7 Taiwan Moth Occurrence Data Collected From Social Network 341,493
8 嘉義縣阿里山鄉中大型哺乳動物相對豐度與分布調查暨各部落傳統文化祭儀中野生動物之利用及當代狩獵範圍之探討 Abundance and distribution of medium- to large-sized mammals, usage of wildlife in traditional ceremonies and contemporary hunting territories of the aboriginal tribes in Alishan Township, Chiayi County 137,178
9 Taiwan New Year Bird Count 130,861
10 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020 100,590
11 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI 90,537
12 臺灣兩棲類資源調查與教育宣導推廣計畫 Resources survey and education advocacy to promote for Taiwan amphibian resources 90,144
13 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI 64,601
14 建立國家生物多樣性指標及特定生物類群族 群變化監測模式(3/3) 56,379
15 Bird survey of Budai salt pans in Taiwan 50,039
16 Bird Observation Data 44,721
17 The Taiwan Roadkill Observation Network Data Set. 42,916
18 Long-term Bird Census in Cigu 2004-2017 25,595
19 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey 22,160
20 tad_db 22,124
21 101年度鰲鼓濕地森林園區鳥類監測及建立監測模式 20,926
22 The Fish Database of Taiwan 19,192
23 2009-2020台灣蝴蝶普查 16,400
24 成龍溼地鳥類生態紀錄 14,430
25 NMNH Extant Specimen Records (USNM, US) 14,024
26 102年度鰲鼓濕地森林園區鳥類監測及建立監測模式 13,682
27 National Museum of Natural Science 13,101
28 The observation records from whale and dolphin watching inshore of Hualien, eastern Taiwan|臺灣花蓮近海賞鯨之鯨豚觀測紀錄 12,486
29 Dataset of long-term bird monitoring in Qigu wetlands, Taiwan 11,388
30 Taiwan Agricultural LTER Dataset 臺灣農業長期生態監測生物資料集 9,332
31 INSDC Sequences 7,920
32 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge 7,728
33 Entomological Specimens of Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo Pref., Japan 7,499
34 NTU_db 7,287
35, Nature data from around the World 6,118
36 Fish collection of the Kagoshima University Museum 5,947
37 Coleoptera collection of National Museum of Nature and Science 5,507
38 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2) 5,184
39 國家公園資料集 5,147
40 Hemiptera (Heteroptera) collection of National Museum of Nature and Science 4,730
41 nmmb_db 4,727
42 Ehime University Coleoptera Collection 4,696
43 Asia-Pacific Dataset 4,668
44 Digital Archives of Taiwan Malacofauna Database 4,600
45 Sea turtle sightings in Taiwan | 台灣海龜目擊紀錄 3,639
46 Bird specimens of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology 3,362
47 Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Amphibian and Reptile Collection 3,273
48 Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute – Digital archives of coastal and offshore specimens 3,234
49 Field records of Lampyridae collected by Dr. Jen-Zon Ho (TESRI) 3,117
50 A dataset from bottom trawl survey around Taiwan 3,093
51 Natural History Museum (London) Collection Specimens 3,081
52 national_parts_taiwan-2016 3,000
53 國家公園生物多樣性資料流通(2017) 3,000
54 Xeno-canto - Bird sounds from around the world 2,935
55 A Dataset of Deep-Sea Fishes Surveyed by Research Vessels in the Waters around Taiwan 2,917
56 Kyushu University Museum Coleoptera Collection 2,785
57 Four Bird Species in Rice Paddies in Shen-Gou Village, Yilan 2,718
58 國家公園生物資訊流通(2014) 2,561
59 花蓮縣平地造林區森林性動物監測計畫 2,285
60 Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Aves 2,259
61 成龍溼地魚類生態紀錄 2,204
62 臺東縣轄海岸山脈野生動物重要棲息環境及周遭緩衝區(成功事業區第40林班至45林班) 動物資源調查與監測計畫(1/3) 2,164
63 國家公園生物多樣性資料流通(2015) 2,157
64 Reef Check in Taiwan 台灣珊瑚礁體檢 2,103
65 CAS Herpetology (HERP) 2,050
66 University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Division of Reptiles & Amphibians 1,857
67 Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen - International Barcode of Life (iBOL) - Barcode of Life Project Specimen Data 1,851
68 Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Mollusca 1,806
69 LACM Entomology Collection 1,750
70 Insecta collection of Museum of Natural and Environmental History, Shizuoka 1,747
71 Bird specimens of Himeji City Science Museum 1,652
72 International Barcode of Life project (iBOL) 1,620
73 AMNH Bird Collection 1,597
74 人禾環境倫理發展基金會_2017-2019東北部獨流溪魚蝦蟹螺調查 1,596
75 The Yasunobu Naritomi Butterffly Collection, The University Museum, The University of Tokyo. 1,586
76 Bats in the mountain areas of Taiwan 1,518
77 外來種斑腿樹蛙控制與監測計畫 1,516
78 Investigations current status of rivers in taiwan 1,499
79 Butterfly Community of the Zhongliao TOAF orchard in 2017-2020 1,436
80 UF Invertebrate Zoology 1,425
81 利嘉野生動物重要棲息環境哺乳類與鳥類資源調查與監測(二) 1,424
82 MVZ Mammal Collection (Arctos) 1,422
83 Hymenoptera specimen database of Kyushu University 1,419
84 FishBase Database 1,417
85 Bird Specimens in the Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo, Japan 1,410
86 高雄市生物多樣性資料庫生物分布資料2015 Species Occurrence in Kaohsiung City(2015) 1,400
87 Taiwan_offshore bat_2017Nov_2021Apr 1,297
88 National Taiwan Museum 1,274
89 2016-2018九份二山昆蟲調查 1,262
90 tari_db 1,247
91 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 1,221
92 Insect Collection of Yokosuka City Museum 1,162
93 Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University 1,155
94 CAS Ichthyology (ICH) 1,146
95 全國森林資源調查計畫 1,132
96 Taiwan bees digitization 1,129
97 2021-2024_臺灣東部海岸公民科學_石梯坪_成功_富岡_南溪之生態監測 1,111
98 National Museum Of Marine Science & Technology 1,083
99 NMNH Material Samples (USNM) 1,081
100 A dataset of distribution of the Geothelphusa (Decapoda: Potamidae) with their environmental parameters and stream indicators in eastern and southern Taiwan 1,054