The present dataset includes 516 accessions (clones) representing the CNR-IBBA duckweed collection. The collection includes most clones from the historical repository named Landolt Duckweed Collection formerly hold in Zurich(https://www.duckweed.ch/?lang=en). The identity of some Lemna species has been assigned and/or revised by molecular methods (Tubulin-based Polymorphism, TBP)
資料授權引用格式:Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License
DOI: 10.15468/hstsnr
- Curator and scientific responsible of the collection
- CNR-IBBA-MI, Institute of Agriculture Biology and Biotechnology (IBBA) - Headquarters, National Research Council of Italy
- IT
- 20133v. Edoardo Bassini 15
- laura.morello@ibba.cnr.it
- Responsible for the genotyping
- CNR-IBBA-MI, Institute of Agriculture Biology and Biotechnology (IBBA) - Headquarters, National Research Council of Italy
- IT
- 20133v. Edoardo Bassini 15
- luca.braglia@ibba.cnr.it
- Responsible for the biochemical characterization
- CNR-IBBA-MI, Institute of Agriculture Biology and Biotechnology (IBBA) - Headquarters, National Research Council of Italy
- IT
- 20133v. Edoardo Bassini 15
- mariaadelaide.iannelli@cnr.it
- Responsible for the phenotypic evaluation
- CNR-IBBA-MI, Institute of Agriculture Biology and Biotechnology (IBBA) - Headquarters, National Research Council of Italy
- IT
- 20133v. Edoardo Bassini 15
- massimiliano.lauria@ibba.cnr.it
- Researcher
- CNR-IBBA-MI, Institute of Agriculture Biology and Biotechnology (IBBA) - Headquarters, National Research Council of Italy
- IT
- 20133v. Edoardo Bassini 15
- floriana.gavazzi@cnr.it
- Associated Researcher
- CNR-IBBA-MI, Institute of Agriculture Biology and Biotechnology (IBBA) - Headquarters, National Research Council of Italy
- IT
- 20133v. Edoardo Bassini 15
- silvia.giani2@gmail.com
- Technician
- CNR-IBBA-MI, Institute of Agriculture Biology and Biotechnology (IBBA) - Headquarters, National Research Council of Italy
- IT
- 20133v. Edoardo Bassini 15
- cristian.perna@cnr.it
- Senior Researcher
- CNR-IBBR, Institute of Biosciences and BioResources, National Research Council of Italy
- I-50019v. Madonna del Piano 10
- gabriele.bucci@cnr.it
- Senior Technologist
- CNR-IRSA-BA, Water Research Institute (IRSA) - Section of Bari, National Research Council of Italy
- IT
- I-70132v. F. De Blasio 5
- massimo.ianigro@irsa.ba.cnr.it
- Research Department
- National Research Council of Italy (CNR)
- IT
- p.le Aldo Moro 7
- segreteria.disba@cnr.it
- Reference Person
- CNR-IBBA-MI, Institute of Agriculture Biology and Biotechnology (IBBA) - Headquarters
- IT
- 20133v. Edoardo Bassini 15
- laura.morello@ibba.cnr.it