Microbial diversity in shallow water hydrothermal sediments of Gueishan Island, Taiwan


<p>The White Sea branch of the Zoological Museum of Moscow State University is based on the Nikolai Pertsov White Sea Biological Station. The collection consists mainly of fixed sea invertebrates from the White Sea, as well as from other seas and oceans. The majority of the material is available for molecular genetic research: all material fixed with ethanol is stored at -20°C or -80°С. The collection has over 15 thousand units, over 70 thousand specimens, and over 800 species, including type materials for over 12 species. The collection accepts material for storage and provides material upon request, and is integrated into the Noah’s Arc depository—an automatically updating catalogue of the collection is available online on the sites of the Noah’s Arc project and of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). The White Sea branch of the collection is maintained thanks to the efforts of the curator, employees and friends of the biological station, and museum volunteers. All collection units receive a unique number, with the international index ZMMU WS (Zoological Museum of Moscow University; White Sea branch). Collection homepage: (eng) https://wsbs-msu.ru/wsbs-msu-white-sea-biological-station/white-sea-branch-of-the-zoological-museum-of-moscow-state-university/ (rus) https://wsbs-msu.ru/scientific-collection/</p> <p>Acknowledgements:</p> <p>We are grateful to people, who participate in collecting, taxonomical identification and catalogisation of the material. Also we thank people, who help us with database service. Also we are grateful to organizers and teachers of GBIF seminar in Russia (2018, May 15-17, IO RAS): N. Ivanova, M. Shashkov, N. Budaeva, D. Schigel, A. Gebruk, A. Rogacheva, S. Pamerlon, L. Smirnova, S. Matland, N. Filippova</p> <p>Material was cataloged by: E.A. Alieva, M. Chromova, E. Degtyareva, I.A. Ekimova, V. Emelianenko, M. Everett, N. Filippova, A.N. Isaychev, Yu. Khramova, A.I. Kokorin, G.D. Kolbasova, N. Kulikov, A. Martinez Garcia, A.L. Mikhlina, N.Y. Neretin, E Nikitenko, B.V. Osadchenko, M. Pronina, N.N. Rimskaya-Korsakova, T.D. Shcherbakova, A.N. Stupnikova, A.K. Tabachnick, D.D. Vinogradov, E.V. Vortcepneva, A. S. Yakusheff, D. Yurikova, A.E. Zhadan.</p> <p>Material was identified by: T. Alvestad, T.I. Antokhina, E.V. Bogomolova, M. Capa, M. Cherneva, E. Degtyareva, P.Y. Dgebuadze, I.A. Ekimova, N. Ershova, M. Everett, N. Filippova, D. Gaeva, E. Gerasimova, S.A. Gorin, A.N. Isaychev, O. Katanova, A.I. Kokorin, G.D. Kolbasova, J. Kongsrud, K.N. Kosobokova, N. Kulikov, P. Kuznetsov, N. Lavesque, A. Lavrov, M.V. Mardashova, A. Martinez Garcia, A.L. Mikhlina, V.O. Mokievsky, E. Naduvaeva, I. Nekhaev, N.Y. Neretin, D. Nikishina, E.D. Nikitenko, B.V. Osadchenko, E. Oug, M. Petrova, F. Plandin, M.V. Plyuscheva, E.V. Popova, K. Pronkina, A.A. Prudkovsky, V.I. Radashevsky, N.N. Rimskaya-Korsakova, D.M. Saidov, T.D. Shcherbakova, A.K. Shmyglya, N. Shunatova, A.V. Sikorski, M. Sinkova, students, A.N. Stupnikova, A.K. Tabachnick, A.B. Tzetlin, E.V. Vortcepneva, T. Worsfold, A. S. Yakusheff, D. Yurikova, A.E. Zhadan.</p> <p>IT support and help: A. Kotenev (MSU), D.N. Vershinin (MSU), Specify Software support team (T. Miller, G. Garett), IT-specialists of Living systems depository &#34;Noah&#39;s Ark&#34; (O. Platko, A. Klyukvin), S.K. Garushyants (IITP RAS, Moscow), E. Zotova (MSU), A. Demkiv (MSU), V. Moskalenko (MSU), D. Ilyushin (MSU), Data processing was supported by a GBIF - FinBIF data mobilization grant for European Russia (Russia-02) https://www.gbif.org/project/1r7RSp5iLqqKYssg88WIW2/gbifru-data-mobilization-activities#about</p> <p>Other participants (as students or volunteers): Students of the Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University; Students of the Invertebrate Zoology Department of Biological Faculty, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University; A.A. Babitskaya, M.Y Neretin, O.S. Kozlovskaya, N.S. Kozlovskaya</p> <p>White Sea Branch of ZMMU was supported by the Russian Scientifc Foundation, grant 14-50-00029, Russian Foundation of Basic Research, grants № 18-05-60158, 19-04-00501, 15-29-02447</p>

資料授權引用格式:Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License
DOI: 10.15468/ysaaec

出現紀錄筆數 1,552


  • The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • The Chinese University of Hong Kong