Australian Museum provider for OZCAM


This database contains specimens of vertebrates from the Gothenburg Natural History Museum, collected from the early 1800's to present. New specimens are added continuously. Most of the birds and mammals are preserved as skins, while most fishes, amphibians and reptiles are preserved in alcohol. There are however, both wet and dry preserved specimens of a wide array of taxa from the entire world. The collections also include eggs and skeletons. The collection contains in total slightly less than 63 000 specimens, of which about half are birds. Fishes, amphibians & reptiles, and mammals are represented by roughly 10 000 specimens each. The bone collection contains about 18 000 skeletons, and the egg collection approximately 10 000 broods of which more than 1000 includes egg from common cuckoo, Cuculus canorus.

資料授權引用格式:Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License
DOI: 10.15468/e7susi

出現紀錄筆數 687


  • OZCAM (Online Zoological Collections of Australian Museums) Provider
  • OZCAM (Online Zoological Collections of Australian Museums) Provider
  • Atlas of Living Australia
  • AU
  • 2601CSIRO Ecosystems Services
  • Australian Museum
  • Atlas of Living Australia
  • AU
  • 2601CSIRO Ecosystems Services