Taiwan bees digitization


This is digitized data of the bee specimens from the Taiwan Forestry Research Institute insect collection obtained for various projects.

發布單位:Taiwan Forestry Research Institute
資料授權引用格式:Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License

出現紀錄筆數 1,232


Lu Sheng-Shan creator

  • Senior scientist
  • Taiwan Forestry Research Institute
  • TW
  • sslu@tfri.gov.tw

Yeh Wen-Chi creator

  • Technician
  • Taiwan Forestry Research Institue
  • TW
  • wcyeh@tfri.gov.tw

Sung I-Hsin creator

  • Assistant Professor
  • National Chiayi University
  • TW
  • ihsinsung@mail.ncyu.edu.tw

Lu Sheng-Shan metadataprovider

  • Senior Scientist
  • Taiwan Forestry Research Institute
  • TW
  • shengshanlu@gmail.com

Krichilsky Erin metadataprovider

  • Graduate student
  • Columbia University
  • US
  • eak2216@columbia.edu

Lu Sheng-Shan user

  • Senior scientist
  • Taiwan Forestry Research Institute
  • TW
  • sslu@tfri.gov.tw

Lu Sheng-Shan contact

  • Senior scientist
  • Taiwan Forestry Research Institue
  • TW
  • sslu@tfri.gov.tw

Yeh Wen-Chi contact

  • Technician
  • Taiwan Forestry Research Institute
  • TW
  • wcyeh@tfri.gov.tw

Sung I-Hsin contact

  • Assistant Professor
  • National Chiayi University
  • TW
  • ihsinsung@mail.ncyu.edu.tw