

2009-2020台灣各地蝴蝶普查,志工自發性公民科學調查,調查範圍主要位於中部地區,以年為單位進行每月一次的調查,採穿越線調查,自劃20個樣區。 From 2009 to 2020, there was a comprehensive butterfly census conducted across various regions in Taiwan, led by voluntary citizen scientists. The survey primarily focused on the middle part of Taiwan and involved monthly investigations on a yearly basis. The survey methodology employed transect line surveys, covering a total of 20 designated sampling sites.

資料授權引用格式:Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License

出現紀錄筆數 19,448
event筆數 433


Chen Pao-shu creator

  • volunteer
  • TBRI
  • TW
  • pschen515@gmail.com

Chen Pao-shu metadataprovider

  • volunteer
  • TBRI
  • TW
  • pschen515@gmail.com

Chen Bao-Shu user

  • TW
  • pschen515@gmail.com

Chen Pao-shu contact

  • volunteer
  • TBRI
  • TW
  • pschen515@gmail.com

Liu 劉 中慧 contact

  • volunteer
  • TBRI
  • TW
  • mothbutteerfly10@gmil.com