Long-term Bird Census in Cigu 2004-2017


For conservation of black-faced spoonbills (Platalea minor) and the avian community in Cigu, Tainan City, Taiwan, the Taiwan Black-faced Spoonbill Conservation Association initiated the Long-Term Bird Census in Cigu (LTBCC) project in August 2004. The censuses were conducted twice a month in ten sites represented agricultural fields, tidal mudflats, windbreaks, fish ponds and abandoned salt pans, separately, in Cigu. The dataset for the 13 census years from August 2004 to July 2017 consists of 2,885 sampling events and 25,974 occurrence records. A total of 522,246 individuals in 54 families and 235 species were counted and identified. Passeriformes, included 26 families and 97 species, occupied the highest percentage of the number of species, followed by Charadriiformes, with eight families and 62 species. However, the Charadriiformes was the order with the highest accumulated number of individuals (329,227), followed by the Pelecaniformes (114,779). 台灣黑面琵鷺保育學會為保育黑面琵鷺(Platalea minor),自2004年8月起,於台南市七股區啟動「七股地區長期鳥類調查計畫(LTBCC)」,選擇當地農墾地、感潮灘地、防風林、魚塭及廢棄鹽田等5類代表性棲地的10處地點進行每月兩次之鳥類調查。本資料集內容涵蓋2004年8月至2017年7月,共計13調查年度之所有調查紀錄,共計觀察事件2,885筆、出現紀錄25,974筆,記錄鳥類54科235種522,246隻次。種類上以雀形目(Passeriformes)26科97種為最多,其次為鴴形目(Charadriiformes)8科62種;數量上以鴴形目329,227隻次為最多,其次為鵜形目(Pelecaniformes)114,779隻次。

發布單位:Taiwan Black-faced Spoonbill Conservation Association
資料授權引用格式:Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License

出現紀錄筆數 25,974
event筆數 2,885


Shihhung Wu creator
  • Volunteer
  • Taiwan Black-faced Spoonbill Conservation Association
  • TW
  • 724No.153-2, Dingshan, Cigu Dist.
  • redbird.wu@gmail.com
  • 06-7801350
Shihhung Wu metadataprovider
  • Volunteer
  • Taiwan Black-faced Spoonbill Conservation Association
  • TW
  • 724No.153-2, Dingshan, Cigu Dist.
  • redbird.wu@gmail.com
  • 06-7801350
Shihhung Wu user
  • Volunteer
  • Taiwan Black-faced Spoonbill Conservation Association
  • TW
  • 724No.153-2, Dingshan, Cigu Dist.
  • redbird.wu@gmail.com
  • 06-7801350
Shihhung Wu contact
  • Volunteer
  • Taiwan Black-faced Spoonbill Conservation Association
  • TW
  • 724No.153-2, Dingshan, Cigu Dist.
  • redbird.wu@gmail.com
  • 06-7801350