我們禁不起失去一頭母象 研究:生態穩定都靠牠



Jessica Leas(CC BY-NC 2.0)

年長母象是雨林的知識寶典。圖片來源:Jessica Leas(CC BY-NC 2.0)


科學家與國際野生物保護協會、斯德靈大學和安博塞利大象信託(Amboseli Trust for Elephants)共同發出警告,指出年長母象是雨林知識的寶典,但是大象盜獵活動頻繁,常造成年長母象的死亡。




主要作者、國際野生物保護協會保育學家布勞耶(Thomas Breuer)說:「我們自2013年起注意到森林象減少的危機。和草原象一樣,失去年長母象的後果最為嚴重。」布勞耶和其他共同研究者認為,森林象的遭遇以及對生態系統的影響和草原象一樣。


Diana Robinson(CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

大象一家人。圖片來源:Diana Robinson(CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

大象建資料庫 首選非洲象天堂

1968年,學者開始在坦尚尼亞北部研究大象。四年後,他們在安博塞利國家公園(Amboseli National Park)找到研究大象的理想地點。1972年,安博塞利大象研究計畫開始監控公園內的象群,辨識每一隻個體,紀錄出生、死亡時間和行為。





Poaching of Elephant Matriarchs Destroys Rainforests
NEW YORK, New York, May 13, 2016 (ENS)

The ongoing poaching of the oldest and wisest female forest elephants could cause cascading harmful effects on the integrity of entire rainforest ecosystems, new research shows. These “ecosystem engineers” maintain the habitats on which many other plant and animal species depend .

Scientists working with the Wildlife Conservation Society, the University of Stirling, and the Amboseli Trust for Elephants warn that the present high levels of “poaching forest elephants will result in a loss of the oldest, wisest matriarchs, who are living libraries of their vast rainforest domain.”

The oldest females guide and teach their young where to go for food and minerals, what to eat, how to process tricky foods, and how to avoid danger. Without these mothers, forest elephant social lives and their understanding of their ecosystem will be lost, the scientists conclude in a new online article in the journal “Conservation Biology.”

“We’ve been aware of the catastrophic decline of forest elephants since 2013,” said WCS conservationist Dr. Thomas Breuer, lead author of the essay. “But, as with savannah elephants, the impacts are greatest when we lose the matriarchs.”

Scientists conducting long-term studies on savannah elephants have documented many, and long-lasting, effects of poaching and other human disruptions on their behavior.

Savannah elephants exposed to poaching become more nocturnal and more skittish outside of the protected areas, where more and more elephants crowd together, say the scientists. The forests there become degraded as many more elephants graze and browse on the foliage.

The loss to poachers of older individuals, both male and female, destabilizes the population socially and robs other elephants of the survival skills of the most experienced members, the scientists conclude.

Breuer and his co-authors say forest elephants are probably experiencing, and causing, the same behavioral and ecological changes in their ecosystems as savannah elephants.

Forest elephants disperse the seeds of many plant and tree species, maintain trail systems and natural forest clearings, and distribute and renew soil nutrients across enormous areas. Their role as ecosystem engineers maintains the habitats on which many other plant and animal species depend.

In 1968, Cynthia Moss began to study elephants in northern Tanzania with Iain Douglas-Hamilton. Four years later, with Harvey Croze, she found ideal conditions for studying elephants in Amboseli National Park.

Since 1972, the Amboseli Elephant Research Project has monitored the Amboseli Park elephants, identifying all the individuals in the population and gathering data on births, deaths and behavior.

Today Moss’s work is the world’s longest-running study of wild elephants, documenting the lives and deaths of almost 3,000 elephants. The Amboseli Elephant Research Project is now a hub for research collaboration and training.

One of the of the longest-studied populations of free-living large mammals in the world, the AERP is a critical source for baseline data on elephants.

In 1979, there were estimated to be 1.3 million elephants in Africa; 10 years later, there were only about 600,000. In Kenya alone, the elephant population dropped from 130,000 in 1973 to less than 20,000 in 1989 – loss of 85 percent.

The elephant population in Amboseli National Park is one of the few that has been able to live relatively undisturbed in natural conditions. This rare situation is due to the presence of researchers and tourists in the park, and the support of the local Maasai people.

In the absence of poaching and culling, the Amboseli elephant population has been increasing slowly since the late 1970s. Amboseli is, therefore, one of the few places in Africa where the elephant age structure has not been drastically skewed and the population spans the whole range from newborn calves to old matriarchs in their 60s.

※ 全文及圖片詳見:ENS
