World Vegetable Center


The World Vegetable Center (WorldVeg) is a non-profit, autonomous international agricultural research center with headquarters in Taiwan and regional offices in Thailand, India, Benin, Mali, and Tanzania. WorldVeg conducts research and development to realize the potential of vegetables for healthier lives and more resilient livelihoods. The WorldVeg genebank in Taiwan is one of the largest international genebanks of vegetable genetic resources. The genebank unit keeps the seeds alive of the genebank accessions for vegetable improvement and development of new vegetables, and to conserve the basis for food and nutrition security of future generations.

資料集數量: 1
發現紀錄總筆數: 421

資料集 達爾文核心集 核心集資料筆數
Worldveg seedkit distribution of traditional vegetables in East Africa 出現紀錄 421